On-Going Research -2023 (Treasury Funded)


  1. Possibilities of Intensifying Dairy Farming Systems in Dry Zone Sri Lanka
  2. Up Scaling Floriculture Production System to Export Market for Sustainable Rural Development: An Action Research with Small Scale Floriculture Farmers in Upcountry Sri Lanka
  3. Economic Analysis of Processed Fruit and Vegetable Exports from Sri Lanka
  4. Evaluation of the effects of the economic crisis on the fruits and vegetable sector; production, marketing and consumption
  5. Organization, Behaviour and Performance of Poultry Feed Industry in Sri Lanka: Unravelling Issues
  6. Eco-system-based planning and design guidelines for reservation and rehabilitation of small village tank system
  7. Economic crisis-induced agricultural input supply constraints leading to food insecurity: Seed/planting materials and other inputs
  8. Economic crisis-induced agricultural input supply constraints leading to food insecurity: Extension and Training
  9. Economic crisis-induced agricultural input supply constraints leading to food insecurtiy: Land and water management


On-Going Training-2023 (Treasury Funded)


  1. Awareness  programme on increasing household food security for communities in rural and peri-urban areas
  2. Awareness programme for rural women and youth farmers on opportunities to becoming agri-entrepreneurs


External Funding



  1. Climate Adapted Farming Practices and Climate Adaptation of Vulnerable Groups in the Dry Zone of Sri Lanka- World Vision Lanka (WVL)
  2. LoA "Leveraging the integrated e-extension services to minimize the Sri Lankan agricultural sector vulnerability to climate shocks”-Food & Agriculture Organization
  3. Market Functionality Index- World Food Programm
  4. Support to ‘Govimina’ Newspaper & Govimina Magazine (Tamil)- DevPro Guaranteed Ltd






harti bann